Thursday, September 10, 2009

Clip n' Snip!

Brad and I took Anderson to the barbershop get his first haircut the Friday before he had his 1 year pictures done. It was seriously overdue b/c he had a few curls in the back and was really starting to sport a baby mullet....we will have no business in the front and party in the back hairdo around this house! He sat in Brad's lap better and longer than I thought he would, but I did have to hand over to him my coveted blackberry to get through the last few minutes! Poor Mr. Jeff did get a work-out chasing his head--the scissors is what made me nervous! When it was all said and done, there was not much hair on the floor, but he looked so much different. Really, so handsome and like a little boy--I think my eyes may have started to water??!! He is changing so quickly and right before my eyes!

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1 comment:

MatersandMelons said...

Girl, they do that, don't they!?!?!