Monday, November 30, 2009

A Season to be Thankful!

This time of the year makes it easy to remember what all we have to be thankful for. I have a list in my head that grows by the minute--more than I deserve, that I am certain! We went to BFT for the afternoon to have lunch and stuff ourselves beyond the point of return! We had a small crowd of the 3 of us, my mom and dad, and my 2 grandmothers. We do not have a large family so when just a few people are missing is seems like so many more. Paige and Charlie were in St. Louis with his family and now everyone has to go a million different ways to be with spouses families, boyfriend/girlfriend's family, etc...the opportunity for everyone to be in one place at the same time for a holiday is nearly impossible! We were grateful to spend time with those we could and hope to see everyone else real soon!
In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I would like to share one thing I am thankful for. It has been a rough month for little Anderson and I am just thankful that my little buster is 100% healthy and back to his cheerful, happy self with smiles, laughs, and squeals of delight!

This was my fall display...soon to be replaced w/ all things Christmas!!

Loved all the treasure in Big Daddy and BG's backyard!

I love, love his Where the Wild Things Are t-shirt and I make him wear it all the time!

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Unknown said...

So glad he is all better!!

Jodie said...

he is getting so big! now that we are moved in and settled a little I will call you to catch up - love you tons!

MatersandMelons said...

I love your fall decor -- you will be my inspiration for next year! And where did you get that adorable t-shirt for Anderson???