Monday, November 2, 2009

Was this a Dream?

I have so many great things to post about, but it will all just have to wait. It might be Thanksgiving before I get Halloween posted, but eventually it will get done. I am sad to report that little Anderson is a sick, sick little boy. To make a long story a little bit shorter, Anderson has had a clear runny nose since about Wednesday--did not seem to bother him at all. Friday he started in with a wet cough so I made an appointment with the pediatrician in the office that day and took him b/c I did not want to go into the weekend with any issues and was told he had a cold--which he did. Friday he was ok, Saturday he was ok, Sunday afternoon he was not ok. He started running a fever that went up very high in a short amount of time. There was some vomiting involved as well as a febrile seizure that earned us a ride in the ambulance to the ER at 11:30 on Sunday night. The seizure about scared the life out of me, and I am still trying to recover. It is a common issue with kiddos with fevers, but no matter how common they are it still is a SCARY experience and one I do not care to go through again. Our trip to the ER revealed that he has pneumonia and it is getting the best of him right now. When we arrived he had a 104.6 fever so he was given lots of fever reducers, flu test (negative), chest x-ray (confirmed pneumonia), and a hefty dose of injection antibiotics. He was better this morning, but the fever started to rise this afternoon and he was nearly inconsolable. We went to the pediatrician and he was given another shot of antibiotic. We have to go back tomorrow to assess his progress. I am just praying that he does not have to be admitted to the hospital--let it be known that it is just one of a zillion things I am on my knees about right now.

I am having a hard time sleeping. Every time I close my eyes, the entire scene is replayed in my head like a horror movie. We have a video monitor and I have been glued to it when he is in his crib and quite frankly I am terrified to put him anywhere that is not within my arms reach. I tried my best to sleep when we got home very early this morning, but I was waking up every 15 minutes in a panic reaching for the monitor. My dad came today which was a great relief. I napped when Anderson did this morning b/c I knew daddy was watching him. Thank goodness he is also coming tomorrow and the rest of the week if I needed him I am sure! I know this will all go away, but it will certainly take time.

There are many of you reading this that I wanted to call personally and let you know what is going on, but I just have not had the chance and the time to devote to calling. I only had time to call to cancel engagements and let people know who would be expecting me places this week that we would not be there. Sorry for that and sorry that you have to read about it as a blog post.

Pray for my little Anderson.....I need him to make a speedy recovery!

I will be back soon :)

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MatersandMelons said...

Oh, that stinks, Jennifer! I hope Anderson gets better very soon! And I hope you can get some rest, too! I know that must have been so scary...

Jo Leigh said...

Oh, Jennifer! I am so sorry to hear about this! I can only imagine how terrifying all of that was for you...and I'm so sorry that you guys are going through this right now. I will definitely be praying for a fast & full recovery for Anderson. I'll also be praying for a calmness & rest for you, so you can keep up with your most important job right now, as his mommy! You guys will definitely be in my thoughts & prayers!

Amy Jones said...

We will definitely be thinking about and praying for him. He will be back to his old self before you know it! Try your best to get some sleep!

Katy said...

Yikes! We will be praying for Mr. Anderson and you! That is SO scary but I know he will come out of it just fine. Peace(and sleep) be with you:)

Kerry said...

I'm so sorry Anderson is so sick and you're having such a horrible week. Ya'll are definitely in our prayers. Being a parent can be very scary sometimes, little buggers! Love to you all.


Unknown said...

I know he will be just fine, he is a strong willed little boy...just like his Momma! :)

Love you both (and Brad too!) Ha! :)

Smile, it will get better, besides...smiling is contagious, and that is something Anderson should definitely catch right now!

Regan Stringer said...

Oh no! Jennifer I am so sorry you guys are going through this. Your family is in our thoughts and prayers. Give Anderson a big kiss from Regan.

Margaret said...

Oh my gosh, Jennifer! I'm just now catching up on reading blogs so sorry this is so late. I can't imagine how terrifying that must have been. I hope he's better now and never has another seizure again! xoxo

Jodie said...

Oh no - i am so sorry that i wasnt there for you during that scary time! a seirzure must have been terrifying!!!!!!! Murphy was sick too but thankfully it didnt turn into anythign dangerous, just really tough on her and us. i cant wait to see y'all in January when we come down to visit with the newbee and to give Anderson some great big kisses. I am so glad he is better now!