Wednesday, November 11, 2009

On the Mend!

This is now one of Anderson's favorite toys? The paramedics gave it to him on the way to the hospital and he loves it. I would just as soon make it disappear b/c it reminds me of the whole incident, but that would be cruel. Maybe he will forget about it at some point, or maybe I can get him a better toy that he will fall for?! Brad would say I am just being dramatic, perhaps he is right. Nonetheless, Anderson is much better and nearly back to his old self. When he started getting into the cabinets again and everything else I prefer him not to I knew we had turned a corner. He still has a slight cough, some runny diapers b/c of the high dose of antibiotics that he will finish tomorrow!!, and a little bit of a runny nose. I have kept him home and away from others for the most part just b/c I want to make sure he is completely better before we re-enter the world---I might be overdoing it a bit, but better safe than sorry the way I see it. We did venture out to Target on Monday and he was in a trance like I have never taken him out before. It was cute, he just sat in the buggy and looked around for the better part of the hour we were there. They had so much Christmas stuff out and that sure lifted my spirits! I am so excited that the holidays are fast approaching!
We sincerely appreciate all the calls, emails, text messages, texts asking if it is ok to call, and visitors that came! Most of all, we are so thankful that we had so many fine folks praying for sweet Anderson! It worked!

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Kelly said...

Oh Jennifer! I'm so sorry that Anderson was so sick and that you had a seizure! I can only imagine the helpless feeling you had and the heartache you had for your sweet Anderson!

I'm so glad that he is starting to feel better and hopefully, with time, you'll feel better too and won't have to be on high-alert 24/7.

Wishing you all the best! Hang in there.

Jo Leigh said...

I am so glad to hear that Anderson is doing so much better! I've been thinking about you guys & keeping you in my prayers!