Thursday, March 18, 2010

Conversations with Anderson.

Anderson is starting to communicate more and more using words and it is so adorable! He can say several words---yeah, eat, bye, hi, mama, dada, door, more, boy, there, ball, dog, and an approximation of thank-you that makes me smile every single time he says it! His father is very proud that he can say "deer" and point to the mounts on the walls of his office. His vocabulary is expanding so fast and it has made both Brad and I very aware of ours! Here is a example of a conversation that we had recently when I went to get him out of his crib one weekday morning:

Me: Good morning Anderson!

Anderson: Eat!

Me: What do you want to eat for breakfast?

Anderson: More!

Me: Eat more of what?

Anderson: There!

Me: You want to go over there?

Anderson: Door!

Me: You want to go to the door?

Anderson: Yeah!

I can only imagine what future conversations will be like with him!

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1 comment:

Katy said...

No matter how his vocabulary changes, the conversation will probably be the same each morning :) So sweet!