Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Santa, STOP here!!

And he sure did! Things started off a little bit iffy, but it all worked out in the end--funny how things have a way about doing that! Here's the skinny of the situation we were facing. Anderson had been fighting this weird digestion issue for about 2 weeks leading up to Christmas. It finally got the best of him and lead to a Christmas Eve visit to the pediatrician--we were literally the last patient before they closed up shop for the holiday. I was concerned b/c it was becoming more difficult to get him to eat/drink anything which is very unusual for buster. We were told he had a virus, we had to let it run its course, and it should get better. It did, but it got worse before it got better. Christmas Eve, just as Brad's parents arrived, he threw up about a gallon all over me and him and anything else unfortunate enough to be in the way. Coupled with the digestion issues, the little fella just was pitiful. Needless to say, there was no Christmas Eve service for us. Christmas morning he tried his best to play with his presents, but ultimately he sat in my lap with his taggie blanket and sucked his thumb. The pictures I got from the morning were all taken in about a matter of 5 minutes. By some miracle, he bounced back after an afternoon siesta and was a new child! We had considered cancelling our plans to go to my parents and then grandmother's house, but we were able to go after all! He really did rally and did not fuss the entire time we were gone and even stayed up until 9:30 when we finally made it home! I was so thankful that he was feeling better and could enjoy some Christmas!

First smile of the day!

We enjoyed spending the holidays with just about all of our family! We had a dinner with my dad's side of the family on the Saturday before Christmas, enjoyed time with Brad's mom and dad, my immediate family, and my extended family as well! I hope y'all had a Merry Christmas!

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1 comment:

Kelly said...

Poor little Buster! I'm so glad that he started to feel better and everyone could enjoy Christmas. There's nothing more sad than a sick baby.

Looks like Anderson was a VERY good boy this year - he sure did get some wonderful gifts!!!

Happy Holidays!