Friday, May 21, 2010

A Change of Pace.

This has been me the past 2.5 weeks. Not by any choice of my own and this couch potato looks a whole lot happier being a bum than I have been!!
Some pre-term contractions and elevated blood pressure has confined me to bedrest orders for the past 2.5 weeks (and counting). It sounds a lot worse than it is and I can get up and move around but need to stay off my feet as much as possible. Fortunately, the resting and a medication I have been taking have helped tremendously and our goal now is to get to 38 weeks. The worst part of this is just being so sedentary. I wanted to spend these last weeks w/ Anderson enjoying the warm weather and spending time with him since his whole world is getting ready to change and he has no idea! Thankfully, "Grandma Judi" (she watches Anderson when I work my 2 days a week) is able to come over in the mornings and then my dad comes in the afternoons to care for him until Brad gets home--boy has he been a lifesaver!! We have had so many kind friends who have brought us meals, come for visits, and offered to help us. We are grateful for all of it and it truly has made life easier for us! Quite possibly one of the next posts could be about the newest family member!

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Kelly said...

Sorry you've had to slow down....but there's nothing more important than taking care of yourself and baby! I'm hoping you'll continue to hold steady until 38 weeks and wish you all the best with baby boy's arrival!

That's so great that your dad has been able to help every afternoon - and I bet he loves spending the time with Anderson!

Anderson will be a fantastic big brother, he'll be helpful, and will love his little brother so much! I can't wait to see pictures.

Thinking about you everyday!!!

Kerry said...

Oh no! Hang in there girl, not much longer now! Thinking of you all....