Wednesday, February 10, 2010


It sure was a proud day for all those Saints fans out there! While we are Panthers fans by default, we do have a soft spot for the ole' Saints since our stint of living in Pass Christian, Mississippi and we were happy to see them win the Superbowl!

Amanda and Allen hosted a fun Superbowl party and I think it was one of the first Superbowl parties that I have been to that most people actually watched the game. I tried to watch some with one eye and have the other on Anderson--which didn't work so well so I was constantly asking Brad what happened!! I lifted these pictures from Amanda's blog...I hope she doesn't mind!!

Anderson and his Da-Da

Anderson and Harper in a fierce game of connect four!

Harper is getting serious!

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1 comment:

MatersandMelons said...

Look how long Anderson's hair is getting -- he looks like such a big boy!