Friday, February 5, 2010

A Complete 180 Degrees...

This was Anderson about 5:00pm on Saturday....

--At 6:00 we were next door (more like across 4 lots and over a fence) at the neighbor's house getting ready to enjoy nice steaks on the grill.

--At 6:30 Anderson threw-up all over their floor..... hello, stomach virus....

Y'all, this stuff was rough and victimized our entire household. Anderson on Saturday night, me on Monday night, and Brad on Tuesday night..even despite our best efforts to disinfect, wash hands, and sanitize like crazy. We are all still recovering and I think a lot of the problem is lack of sleep. Last night was the first night since this started that Anderson slept the entire night w/o waking up several times b/c of fever, coughing, and just plain not feeling well. Brad has not taken a sick day for as long as I can remember and he was out 2 days to help me and then recover himself. Anderson still does not have his appetite back completely and is still feeling puny. He wants to be held and snuggled most of the time which I don't mind b/c I love me some Anderson snuggle time, but my back is killing me and I would much rather have the jumping boy on the couch from above.

From my blog readings, it appears that we were not the only ones down and out this week! I hope that everyone is feeling better and on the mend!

Now, does anyone have any ideas for a "sorry my son threw-up all over your floor" gift? Did I mention that we were not the only ones there.... I was mortified, even though they all understand!

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1 comment:

Kelly said...


I'm sorry y'all were sick but glad that you seem to be on the mend!

I'm sure that your neighbors don't expect anything (we've all had those moments)...but if you're anything like me, I'd want to do something too. I think desserts always go a long way...who doesn't love chocolate chip cookies or brownies!