Friday, May 21, 2010

A Change of Pace.

This has been me the past 2.5 weeks. Not by any choice of my own and this couch potato looks a whole lot happier being a bum than I have been!!
Some pre-term contractions and elevated blood pressure has confined me to bedrest orders for the past 2.5 weeks (and counting). It sounds a lot worse than it is and I can get up and move around but need to stay off my feet as much as possible. Fortunately, the resting and a medication I have been taking have helped tremendously and our goal now is to get to 38 weeks. The worst part of this is just being so sedentary. I wanted to spend these last weeks w/ Anderson enjoying the warm weather and spending time with him since his whole world is getting ready to change and he has no idea! Thankfully, "Grandma Judi" (she watches Anderson when I work my 2 days a week) is able to come over in the mornings and then my dad comes in the afternoons to care for him until Brad gets home--boy has he been a lifesaver!! We have had so many kind friends who have brought us meals, come for visits, and offered to help us. We are grateful for all of it and it truly has made life easier for us! Quite possibly one of the next posts could be about the newest family member!

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Friday, May 14, 2010

Spring Flingin'

We have done tons of fun things this spring and makes me excited for what summer is going to bring (beside the obvious newborn!!)! We did most of these things in April...May has been a slow month...more on that later!

The first swim of the season in the nice heated pool...such a great thing!

Anderson has been really interested in animals lately and absolutely loved the petting zoo at Lawton Stables. He is used to being able to be close to dogs and horses, so some of the other animals fascinated him!

We got him a watertable and it has been one of the best investments we have made when it comes to toys!

I got to spend some time w/ some of my oldest friends from growing up! I only wished that we all lived closer! At least all of our parents still live in BFT!

Justin, Christie, Me, Jodie

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Monday, May 10, 2010

Boat Beauty!

I stole the blog title from our wonderful photographer, Janet, at Silly Goose Photography. Once I saw her blog post I couldn't think of another title for my post! You can see her post on Anderson's shoot here. I asked Janet to take some 18 monthish (I say "ish" b/c he was 18 months in February!) pictures of Anderson and, as always, I was so pleased with the results and how she captured my sweet boy! Here is just a sample of what we can click here
to see all the pictures! I was a little hesitant to actually get in some of the pictures too. It was a serious flip-flop, I did and then I didn't. We ultimately did...but I made sure that we were in the background b/c it was him I really wanted the shots of, but also liked the idea of parents faded some in the background. Janet was great w/ incorporating the wooden boat into the shoot. Brad's grandfather made the boat and it was actually used! Poor Brad had to drag the boat into and out of the salt-pan/marsh and did so w/o any complaints! I am already looking forward to what I am going to do for his 2 year old shots and thinking about newborn shots in a few short weeks!!

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Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The INNsanity!

A couple of weekends ago was the annual gathering of my BFF's from OT school! We rented a beach house for the weekend---appropriately named the INNsanity! Maybe the name would have been a little bit more applicable 5 years ago, but I think we still got it! Sure some things may have changed such as, we have 7.5 kiddos between us now and our mode of transportation was a minivan all weekend, but hey, details, details!!! We had all intentions of enjoying the beach the whole weekend; however, mother nature was not down with our plans and rain we had! Poor Rachel comes all the way from Boston and didn't even step foot once on the sand. It didn't matter and we moved onto plan B and found plenty of things to do to entertain ourselves! We even had a special guest--- 5 month old Miss Sarah Jane join us for the weekend! What a lucky little missy b/c her 2 sisters had to stay home! The girls also put together a surprise breakfast in honor of the newest boy to join the crowd here lucky I am that these girls were in my OT class!!

Me, Shelley, Rachel, Melanie, Kasey (minus Holly in this one b/c she had to attend a wedding for a few hours). Can you tell which 2 of these lovely ladies had twins??

Kasey, Holly, Rachel, Melanie w/ Sarah Jane, Me, Shelley

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Sunday, May 2, 2010

Tourney Time!

I am so back logged with posts that I want to do and have vowed to start to catching up b/c we have done some fun things this spring (despite those nasty germs that have come to infect us back in March and early April)!! It was golf tournament time a few weeks ago and and Ginger and I spent a day during the Pro-Am down there just enjoying the outdoors, playing at the playground, taking our time, and eating a nice lunch. Ginger was so sweet and treated me to lunch b/c it also happened to be my birthday as well!

Mary Kate and Anderson on the 7th green

By the time we got to the 18th fairway! Notice Mary Kate's hand in the snack trap!

At the playground--this would have been such a cute picture had his eyes been open!
That is what happens when you try to take shots w/ your blackberry and are used to the D40!
Anderson went to camp BeeGee and Big Daddy while Brad and I went to the tournament for the entire weekend. The weather was perfect and I am so thankful that the hospital had the hospitality box b/c you can bet I did a lot of sitting on my hind end! We enjoyed dinner out with friends and even braved some of the after tournament hoopla at the marina on Saturday evening. A bit more effort for me this year, but well worth it!

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