Saturday, July 3, 2010

Table for 4, please!

It is very hard for me to believe that an entire month has already gone by. I have been gently asked by many when I am going to update my blog with more pictures...which is always preceded by "I know you are busy, but...". Typical Southern comment, the only thing that is missing is "bless your heart"!!! Life has been up and down lately, the boys are doing great but I have had some postpartum issues that have set me back--but I am on the mend and making progress in the right direction :)

Anderson was so much happier than he looks!

Could I really have 2 boys??

Anderson reading his new book from McClure

Enjoying a snack that the nurses gave him

Future medical professional...sort of runs in the family..

Anderson w/ Carla. She was my L&D nurse for both boys! She is one of the most caring and kind individuals I know--exactly the kind of nurses we need!

Carla w/ McClure

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Kelly said...

Awah!!! I loved seeing the pictures! Your boys are adorable. Sorry to hear that you weren't feeling well these last few weeks - doesn't make taking care of newborn and toddler very easy but I'm so glad that you're doing better!

I've been thinking about you and wish you nothing but the best! Congratulations!

Kelly said...

Awah!!! I loved seeing the pictures! Your boys are adorable. Sorry to hear that you weren't feeling well these last few weeks - doesn't make taking care of newborn and toddler very easy but I'm so glad that you're doing better!

I've been thinking about you and wish you nothing but the best! Congratulations!