Saturday, October 10, 2009

A Big Time!

Anderson had a big time last weekend! We went to his buddy Cooper's 1st birthday party in BFT and as you can see from the below picture, the cupcake was a big hit!

After the party, I dropped him off at BeeGee and Big Daddy's house to spend the night! Brad and I had a party to go to and since I was already in Beaufort and knew about the birthday party and our need for a sitter that Saturday night and I was able to "book" my parents for that night! You have to make an appointment with my parents, they are ALWAYS on the go!

Anderson is now mobile on 2 feet now! Just last week he really started to take off. He was been taking steps here and there for about 2 months, but always preferred to crawl. Last week I think he decided that walking really does get me from point A to point B pretty fast. He has that cute "frankenstein" walk going! There was plenty of new things to explore at BeeGee and Big Daddy's and he had a ball :)

It was nice to be without child responsiblities for 24 hours, but I was so excited to go and pick him up on Sunday afternoon!

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Kelly said...

Awwahh! I bet your parents loved having for the night! And you certainly know he was in good hands! How great was it to sleep in on Sunday?

And that plaid outfit - too cute for words!

Jodie said...

So cute - i bet it was fun at the birthday party! give Mr. A a big old kiss form his aunt toad